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Tuesday 9 February 2016

Great White Egret at Bowthorpe: back for seconds!

Despite what's been posted on RBA all day, the Great White Egret was in its usual spot this morning: it was, as before, a really terrific bird to watch and enjoy.

A recent posting on a popular bird website (somewhat aggressively)  posed the question: "Why do some people return again and again to look at a long-staying rare bird?"
My reply would be: because people - like me - who do that are predominantly birders, rather than compulsive listers! A beautiful creature like this Great White Egret at Bowthorpe deserves more than a cursory view and a tick on a list IMHO.
If you haven't seen it yet - or even if you have! - it's worth a look. It seems to have started building a nest in a tree near the church: how cool would it be if a mate were to turn up?
Plenty of Little Egrets around, too, as well as some well-marked Cormorants.


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